"Suite Scarlett"

"Suite Scarlett"
by Maureen Johnson

My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

My Review:

Scarlett Martin's large family runs and lives in the Hopewell Hotel in Manhattan. The Hopewell has seen better days and the family will do what it takes to keep the business afoot. Scarlett feels like the only one of her friends who actually stayed in Manhattan for the summer. But she won't be bored long, thanks to a new guest, the glamorous Mrs. Amberson, checking in.

I loved Scarlett's relationship with her family, especially the tight bond with her older brother, Spencer. The characters and relationships were so well developed and believeable. It's so interesting to read about the family dynamics.

The plot was definitely different than I thought it would be, in a good way. Since Spencer is an actor, a lot of the story revolves around theater. This was a very appealing topic to me, and a great surprise.

Maureen Johnson has a fantastic sense of humor with lots of sarcasm and witty quotes. Her writing is very smooth and fast paced.

The only thing that prevented this book from getting 5 stars from me was that sometimes I didn't like the Scarlett character. She was a bit cold and selfish sometimes, especially in her treatment of her little sister who had battled cancer. This is the only complaint that I had about the book.

Main Characters: 4/5
Supporting Characters: 5/5
Setting: 5/5
Romance: 4/5
Uniqueness: 5/5
Cover: 4/5
Writing: 5/5

Bottom Line:
Overall the book was very entertaining with no slow parts. The subject was unique and not at all predictable.


  1. I just got this book. I can't wait to read it. Great review :)

  2. While this wasn't my favorite book by Maureen Johnson, I did enjoy it. Glad you did, too!

  3. Thanks so much for reading my review, Juju and Lizzy!!

  4. This sounds like a book I might like; thanks

    Have a great Happy and Healthy New Year.

  5. This sounds like it was a good one. I read one of her earlier books and enjoyed it so should probably dip back into her novels again.

  6. Sounds like an enjoyable read, as I love sarcastic humor. Really liked your review!

  7. Thanks, Kristen and Alexia! I think you will both like this one!

  8. OHHH perfect chemistry - awesome awesome book, I hope you really enjoy it! :) I cant wait for the second one!! Enjoy your reading!

  9. Perfect Chemistry is an awesome book, Happy reading!

  10. I just did a reiview of this book! you have a great blog!


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