Guest Post and Giveaway: "Black Raven's Lady"

To celebrate the release of Black Raven's Lady, I am happy to have Kathleen Harrington stop by for a guest post, and a giveaway of the ebook!

"Black Raven's Lady"
by Kathleen Harrington
Publisher: Avon Impulse
Release Date: Oct 21, 2014

Summary from
This exciting conclusion to the popular Highland Lairds Trilogy features a runaway lass and the laird who will do anything to protect her.

Feisty Lady Raine Cameron has been surrounded her whole life by gossip claiming she is not her father's daughter. Determined to find her true heritage, the dark-haired beauty boards the Black Raven under false pretenses in search of the man who she believes is her father, a man who is also a traitor to Scotland. Only the Black Raven himself stands in her way…

Laird Keir MacNeil has a reputation for being a ruthless and powerful ship captain. On a mission to apprehend Scotland's most wanted traitor, he never expected to see Raine on his ship. Keir vows to keep Raine out of harm's way and return her to her family untarnished. But as his lust for her grows, he must choose between honor and the woman he never expected to desire.

Guest Post
Now, I'd like to welcome Kathleen Harrington to In the Hammock for a guest post!

Here's Kathleen!

Love on the High Seas by Kathleen Harrington

I’ve always enjoyed stories about the sea, tall ships and the men who sail them – from privateers to captains in the British Navy. From the movie featuring the pirate Jean Lafitte – who helped the Americans defeat the English at the Battle of New Orleans – to the books and films about the fictitious Captain Horatio Hornblower.
I’m a great fan of the Aubrey/Maturin Series by Patrick O’Brian. The movie, Master and Commander – the Far Side of the World, starring Russell Crowe, is based on O’Brian’s tales of the Royal Navy’s adventures on the high seas. And of course, I mustn’t forget to mention Johnny Depp’s portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean.
(One of my secret fantasies has been to live in the days of the sea-rovers and spend my life on a tall ship with its handsome captain. Shh! Don’t tell anyone, okay?)
While researching the history of Scotland during the reign of King James IV, I came across the lives of three brothers who were ship captains, and I grew intrigued with their true story.
The Bartons sailed with letters of marque and reprisal signed by their king for the purpose of protecting Scottish merchantmen from pirates. The intrepid brothers were so successful in capturing prizes of war, which were sailing under English, Flemish, and Dutch flags, that the king of England put a price on their heads.
I knew I wanted to write a story about three half-bothers who sailed their own ships, carrying orders from King James IV to protect the sovereignty of their monarch and country.
And so the trilogy of the Highland Lairds evolved…
The eldest brother, Rory MacLean, is the hero of Book One, THE MAC LEAN GROOM. The story takes place in the Highlands, where Rory is given his reluctant bride, Joanna Macdonald, as a reward for his victories at sea.
In the second book, LACHLAN’S BRIDE, the middle brother is sent to England to escort Lady Francine Walsingham to Edinburgh. The moment Lachlan MacRath lays eyes on the enchanting widow, he’s intent on her seduction.
In the third book, BLACK RAVEN’S LADY, I focus on Laird Keir MacNeil, who’s been given command of a royal squadron and orders to put down an insurrection sweeping the Hebrides. The heroine, Lady Raine Cameron, wangles her way aboard Keir’s ship, the Black Raven, with the secret goal of finding her birth father. The backdrop of life onboard a warship sailing into a rebellion provides the excitement of sea battles, castle bombardments, and ferocious storms – along with scenes of humor and intimacy.
While Keir fights his sensual attraction to Raine – an utterly hopeless endeavor – she’s just as intent on keeping her secret quest from him – and the meaning of her visions to herself. For Keir scorns the belief in magic of any kind, while Raine is steadfast in the knowledge that she has the gift of Second Sight. Yet a moonlight visit to the enchanted Stones of Calanais will ignite the simmering passion between them and nothing will ever be the same again. 

GIVEAWAY RULES: The publisher has generously provided an ebook copy of "Black Raven's Lady" for a lucky reader of my blog!
All you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter form below.
  • Ebooks/codes will be mailed out by the publisher
  • Must be 18 or over 
  • Ends Nov 7
Thanks to everyone for entering! Good luck!

"The 12 Days of Christmas with Six Sisters' Stuff" Review and Giveaway

"The 12 Days of Christmas with Six Sisters' Stuff"
By Six Sisters' Stuff
Publisher: Shadow Mountain
Release Date:
Sep 30, 2014
Source: sent by publisher

My Rating: 4.5 of 5 Stars


Summary from Goodreads:

New for the holidays, 12 Days of Christmas with Six Sisters’ STUFF mixes memoir and lifestyle into a creative cookbook, showing how food communicates love and is a way to connect and share family traditions. The authors are the bloggers behind which has 3.2 million unique visitors each month, connecting with a wide spectrum of readers who relate to the sisters, each at a different stage of their lives from college-bound to raising active families.

In this book the Six Sisters share their stories and expertise for making a memorable holiday season with practical tips, delicious recipes and great ideas as we share with them and their families the traditions and joys of Christmas. Includes recipes, projects, and ideas along with full-color photographs and easy-to-follow instructions.

12 Christmas Cookies
12 Days of Christmas for Your “True Love”
12 Family Traditions
12 Christmas Brunch Recipes
12 Sanity-Saving Christmas Tips
12 Christmas Party Ideas
12 Spectacular Christmas Treats
12 Ways to Give Back
12 Gifts for Neighbors
12 Quick and Easy Family Dinners
12 Homemade Christmas Gifts
12 DIY Christmas Decorations

My Review:

This book gets an "A" from me for the Christmas cookie and dessert recipes alone! Each cookie recipe looks more delicious than the previous one! The Eggnog Cookies are a must-try for me, as well as the Cherry Cheesecake Cookies. And the Santa Claus Cookies are just too cute not to try! Some of the cookies and treats even use boxed cake mixes to cut down on time in the kitchen. I know some readers aren't that keen on the pre-processed mixes, but all of the recipes aren't from boxes, there is a good mix of different types of recipes. One refreshing thing about all of the recipes in the book is the small list of ingredients for each item. Yay! I don't have to buy a ton of things I won't use again or haven't even heard of before!

To me, the stars of the book are the recipes. The tips for the Christmas season are fun, especially the 12 Days of Christmas for Your True Love, where the Sisters give tips on how to modernize the classic 12 Days of Christmas. For instance, a dozen donuts on the 12th day. Too cute! However some of the other holiday decorating and sanity saving tips are bit repetitive of others that I have seen on blogs and in magazines. The tips are still fun, but the real gems are the easy recipes and the delicious looking full page photos of the food! Yum!

Bottom Line: This is another great installment of the books by the Six Sisters, I can't wait to try many of the Christmas cookie recipes!

About the Sisters:
The Six Sisters, Camille, Kristen, Elyse, Stephanie, Lauren, and Kendra, started their blog in 2011 to keep in touch after they moved out of their house and started lives and families on their own and in just a few years it has become one of the top blog sites for women with millions of visitors each month, sharing stories of family, recipes and tips for running a home. The sisters live in the Southwest and Midwest.

This giveaway is tour-wide contest provided for my readers by the publisher. The publisher is responsible for the running of the Rafflecopter and the prizing, I am simply posting the Rafflecopter with permission from the publisher! Contest ends 10/17, please see Terms and Conditions on the Rafflecopter widget for details! Thank you!

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

"Forbidden" Trailer Reveal and Giveaway!

Today, In the Hammock is hosting the trailer reveal for "Forbidden" by Kimberley Griffiths Little. The author is also sponsoring a fantastic contest!

On November 4th, HarperCollins unveils Forbidden, a seductive YA debut from award-winning middle grade author Kimberley Griffiths Little. Forbidden transports readers back in time to the deadly deserts and sweltering heat of Ancient Mesopotamia for a tale of danger, duty, and forbidden love. Jayden is on the brink of womanhood and betrothed to her tribe’s prince, cold-hearted Horeb. But when tragedy strikes, Jayden meets Kadesh, a mysterious visitor from the south who makes Jayden doubt everything she knows. Torn between loyalty to her tribe and the chance to escape her fate, Jayden must make a choice that will change her life forever.

Today, we are unveiling the Forbidden trailer for the very first time!

Kimberley is also offering a HUGE preorder giveaway from October 6th to November 4th (release day!) to celebrate. See below for full details on how to enter. 

This giveaway is provided for my readers by Kimberley Griffiths Little. The author is responsible for the running of the Rafflecopter and the prizing, I am simply posting the Rafflecopter with permission from the author. Please see her terms and conditions for rules.

  • You must preorder Forbidden through an online retailer or your local bookstore, then email a photo of your receipt to
  • Fill out the rafflecopter below
  • US/Canada Only
  • Ends at midnight EST on November 3, 2014
  • Optional entries: share the trailer on your own site or social media, follow Kimberley on twitter, and tweet about the giveaway (can be repeated daily for extra entries!)
  • Winners will be announced and contacted November 4th (release day!)
  • If the winner does not respond with their mailing address within one week, a new winner will be chosen.



2. CHAOS OF STARS by Kiersten White
3 Satin Belly Dance Skirt
4. Belly Dance 150-Coin Hip Scarf
5. Red Silk Veil (not pictured)
6. Red Middle Eastern Earrings
7. Belly dance DVD: Sensual Belly Dance with Blanca, a professional dancer (technique, choreography, and performances)
8. "Will YOU risk it all?" button (not pictured)
9. Set of 10 Book Club Cards
10. Jeweled bookmark (not pictured)


2. Red Middle Eastern Earrings
3. Red Silk Veil (not pictured)
4. Belly dance DVD: Sensual Belly Dance with Blanca, a professional dancer (technique, choreography, and performances)
5. "Will YOU risk it all?" button (not pictured)
6. Set of 10 Book Club Cards
7. Jeweled bookmark (not pictured)


1. Red Middle Eastern Earrings
2. "Will YOU risk it all?" button (not pictured)
3. Set of 10 Book Club Cards
4. Jeweled bookmark (not pictured)

Good luck!

About Forbidden: In the unforgiving Mesopotamian desert where Jayden’s tribe lives, betrothal celebrations abound, and tonight it is Jayden’s turn to be honored. But while this union with Horeb, the son of her tribe’s leader, will bring a life of riches and restore her family’s position within the tribe, it will come at the price of Jayden’s heart.

Then a shadowy boy from the Southern Lands appears. Handsome and mysterious, Kadesh fills Jayden’s heart with a passion she never knew possible. But with Horeb’s increasingly violent threats haunting Jayden’s every move, she knows she must find a way to escape—or die trying.

With a forbidden romance blossoming in her heart and her family’s survival on the line, Jayden must embark on a deadly journey to save the ones she loves—and find a true love for herself.

Set against the brilliant backdrop of the sprawling desert, the story of Jayden and Kadesh will leave readers absolutely breathless as they defy the odds and risk it all to be together.

Follow Kimberley:

About Kimberley: Award-winning author Kimberley Griffiths Little was born in San Francisco, but now lives in New Mexico on the banks of the Rio Grande with her husband and their three sons. Her middle-grade novels, When the Butterflies Came, The Last Snake Runner, The Healing Spell, and Circle of Secrets, have been praised as “fast-paced and dramatic,” with “beautifully realized settings.” Kimberley adores anything old and musty with a secret story to tell. She’s stayed in the haunted tower room at Borthwick Castle in Scotland; sailed the Seine in Paris; ridden a camel in Petra, Jordan; shopped the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul; and spent the night in an old Communist hotel in Bulgaria. You can visit her online at

Share your thoughts on the trailer in the comments!

Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post, the author will provide prizes for the giveaway winner.

"Forged by Desire" Review

"Forged by Desire"
by Bec McMaster

Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Release Date: Sept 2, 2014
Source: sent by publisher

My Rating: 4.5 of 5 Stars

Summary from
Captain Garret Reed of the Nighthawk guard has a deadly mission: capture a steel-jawed monster preying on women. He hates to put his partner, Perry, in jeopardy, but she’s the best bait he has. Little does he realize, he’s about to be caught in his own trap.

Perry has been half in love with Garrett for years, but this is not exactly the best time to start a relationship—especially when their investigation leads them directly into the clutches of the madman she thought she’d escaped...
My Review:

This is one of my absolute favorite series,I love the author's mix of steampunk, paranormal, and romance. Since I've read every book in the series, it's great to finally see Garret and Perry getting their own story. After looking forward to their story for so long, I may have expected more from their romance. I definitely wasn't expecting all of the twists with Perry's past, they were definitely intriguing.

This book is much darker than the other installments in the series, there was more of a horror vibe. I really liked that aspect though. The lab where they found the girls was terrifying and so well crafted, that it was straight out of a horror movie.
I absolutely adored the first 3/4 of the book, I was entranced by the world and by the relationship between Garret and Perry. But admittedly, by the last 100 of 400 pages, I was feeling that the story was becoming long and drawn out. The beginning and middle portions of the book kept me up way past my bedtime, but after re-hashing the same issues, I started to grow tired of the plot. Even with this slow end, I still highly recommend the book.

Main Characters: 5/5
Supporting Characters: 5/5
Setting: 5/5

Romance: 4/5

Uniqueness: 5/5
Cover: 5/5
Writing: 5/5

Bottom Line: While I enjoyed the previous books in the series more, this is still a welcome addition to the series, and answers a lot of reader questions about longtime faves Garret and Perry.

Disclosure: I received a  copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Make Your Own Instagram Book with Blurb, Plus save 20%!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post.


What if you could make your own book full of your own Instagram photography? Thanks to Blurb, you can make that happen quickly and easily! With Blurb, you can take all of your Instagram shots and turn them in to a high quality printed book in just minutes. 

This Blurb video will help you make your own Instagram book in as little as five minutes! Just drag and drop your pics! Don't worry, if you don't have Instagram, you can make a book from your Facebook photos, too!

Even better, right now you can Save 20% on photo books with code OCT20% or Special offer for new customers only—save 25% on photo books with code OCT25%
Offers end October 31.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post, and contains affiliate links.

Waiting on Wednesday 259

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine, and it is a way to show off the books you can't wait to be released!!

This week I chose: 

"The Cure for Dreaming"
by Cat Winters
Release Date:  Oct 14, 2014

Olivia Mead is a headstrong, independent girl—a suffragist—in an age that prefers its girls to be docile. It’s 1900 in Oregon, and Olivia’s father, concerned that she’s headed for trouble, convinces a stage mesmerist to try to hypnotize the rebellion out of her. But the hypnotist, an intriguing young man named Henri Reverie, gives her a terrible gift instead: she’s able to see people’s true natures, manifesting as visions of darkness and goodness, while also unable to speak her true thoughts out loud. These supernatural challenges only make Olivia more determined to speak her mind, and so she’s drawn into a dangerous relationship with the hypnotist and his mysterious motives, all while secretly fighting for the rights of women. Winters breathes new life into history once again with an atmospheric, vividly real story, including archival photos and art from the period throughout.
"In the Shadow of Blackbirds" has been on my to read list for ages, and now I can't wait to read this one, too!

What are you waiting for this week???