Writer: Meredith Finch, Artist: David Finch
Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: Sept. 8, 2015
Source: sent by publisher

My Rating: 4 of 5 Stars
Summary from goodreads.com:
My Review:
Please welcome the new superstar creative team of writer Meredith Finch The new creative team of writer Meredith Finch and artist David Finch takes over! A mythological force seemingly tied to Wonder Woman’s role as War has attacked the Amazons, and as her own people lose faith in her, a new queen arises to take her place! Guest-starring Superman, Swamp Thing, Aquaman and more. Collects WONDER WOMAN #36-40 and ANNUAL #1.
With excitement building for Gal Gadot's portrayal of Wonder Woman in the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Film, now is the time to do your homework and study up this fantastic superhero! Wonder Woman struggles with both external and internal battles in this graphic novel, both of which keep the pages turning!
Diana is finding it difficult to balance her role in the Justice League with her roles as Queen of the Amazons, and The God of War. Some of the Amazons think she is spending to much valuable time as a superhero and not enough time as their queen, so a new, and evil, queen is created to take her place. When she's not dealing with this supervillain, Diana struggles with how being the God of War is affecting her decisions. She doesn't want to be so aggressive but becoming The God of War has undeniably changed her. Never fear, because Wonder Woman is still driven by her desire to help those in need, always putting others first.
The issues in this collection tie together seamlessly. You're never left missing part of the story. I love that the other members of the Justice League show up to help Wonder Woman on her journey. It's always great to see Superman, Aquaman, The Flash, and others. The art is beautiful, and can also be at times gruesome as well.
Main Characters: 4/5
Supporting Characters: 4/5
Setting: 4/5
Art: 4/5
Uniqueness: 4/5
Cover: 4/5
Writing: 4/5
Bottom Line: This graphic novel finds Wonder Woman moving a new direction in her life, and I think it's successful as a set up for future volumes!
Buy from DC Comics: http://www.dccomics.com/graphic-novels/wonder-woman-vol-7-war-torn
Pic by Entertainment Weekly
Disclosure: I received an e-copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
I haven't watched/read anything about Wonder Woman since her tv show days in the 80's (probably the 70's? I can't remember lol)
ReplyDeleteKaren @For What It's Worth
a very interesting information, with this insight we are getting, thanks a lot for various information
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