Happy Halloween, everyone!!
In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren, and is a way for everyone to show their new books for the week, including those bought, swapped, won, or received for review.
for review:
"Secondhand Charm" by Julie Berry

I was soooo excited to receive this one for review from Bloomsbury. I LOVED The Amaranth Enchantment and I'm so happy to read the author's newest book!!
"Moonstruck Madness" by Laurie McBain
This is a re-issue of a classic romance from Sourcebooks. I usually don't read the older romances but this one really intrigued me from all the great reviews. Has anyone read it?

I've heard so much about this series, I have to try it out! I've never read anything by this author before.
What did you receive in your mailbox this week??

I was soooo excited to receive this one for review from Bloomsbury. I LOVED The Amaranth Enchantment and I'm so happy to read the author's newest book!!
"Moonstruck Madness" by Laurie McBain

"Ruthless" by Anne Stuart
I've heard so much about this series, I have to try it out! I've never read anything by this author before.
What did you receive in your mailbox this week??
I have two Halloween contests ending tomorrow, so don't forget to enter!!
October Paranormal Romance Giveaway! Win 4 books!! Ends 11/1
"She Smells the Dead" by EJ Stevens! Ends 11/1
October Paranormal Romance Giveaway! Win 4 books!! Ends 11/1
"She Smells the Dead" by EJ Stevens! Ends 11/1