I have been contacted to write another review for CSN stores. This family of stores has SO many great products, that it's tough to choose something to review! They have a great selection of
table lamps, as well as kitchenware, housewares, and of course, bookcases!! Since I still have piles of books with no homes, I think I need to choose another bookcase, don't you? This time, I wanted to try something a little more unique. Here are some of the many different styles to choose from:
I noticed that a lot of other bloggers picked this L shaped bookcase:

How cute and fun is this hanging shelf??

This ladder shelf won't hold as much but it looks really cute and classy!

What do you think??
LOVE that hanging shelf! I would have picked something like that but I have no WALL space LOL!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you'll love whatever you pick!
XOXO~ Renee
Those are awesomely designed bookcases!
ReplyDeleteI love the hanging shelf.
ReplyDeleteI like the ladder shelf.
ReplyDeleteThe ladder shelf is just so fun, but I like the hanging one the best
ReplyDeleteI like all of them, but the hanging shelf is my favorite. I tend to go old fashioned just because I want to store the maximum amount of books possible.
ReplyDeleteI love the hanging shelf one, but the ladder and L-shaped are more practical.
ReplyDeleteAlison Can Read
Aw, I can't see the hanging shelf picture. But the ladder shelf, I can see. And it looks very interesting and fragile!
ReplyDeleteI love the hanging shelf but the ladder shelf has a classy edge to it too.
ReplyDeleteI love love love the hanging shelf! I would definitely pick that one ;)
ReplyDeleteNice choices! Which one to pick though....would seriously have to think about that one, though the more space the merrier! ^_^
ReplyDeleteI like the one in the middle. I guess it's attached to a wall? The one on the bottom is cute but I don't think it would hold enough books. But it would be cute for pictures and knickknacks.
ReplyDeletethat ladder bookcase is cute! :)
ReplyDeleteinteresting to note the information because its contents are very interesting
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