Giveaway and Scavenger Hunt: "Big Sky Mountain"

As part of the blog tour for "Big Sky Mountain" by Linda Lael Miller, here is today's excerpt from the scavenger hunt! I'm also hosting a giveaway for a copy of the book!

BookTrib is hosting a great contest including the book and a cowboy boot necklace!! 

Now on to the book!

"Big Sky Mountain"
by Linda Lael Miller

Publisher: HQN
Release Date: July 31, 2012

Summary from  

With his rugged good looks, vast wealth and family name, hell-raiser Hutch Carmody is still the golden boy of Parable, Montana. But he's done some growing up—making peace with his illegitimate half brother and inheriting half of Whisper Creek Ranch, which should have been all his. These days, Hutch knows there are some things money can't buy: like the heart of loving, ladylike divorcĂ©e Kendra Shepherd.Kendra's quiet mansion reminds her of what she wants most—a devoted husband and the pitter-patter of little feet. She can't get Hutch Carmody out of her mind. But a rough-and-tumble cowboy like Hutch, coming home for family dinner? Seems crazy! Then again, crazier dreams have become reality under the vast Montana sky.


Somewhat to Kendra’s surprise, Madison slid down off her lap, Rupert the kangaroo dangling from one small hand, and approached the older girl, albeit slowly. “Okay,” she said, her voice tentative.
Joslyn, meanwhile, lumbered over to the table, pulled back a chair and sank into it. She looked incandescent in her summery maternity dress, a blue confection with white polka dots, and she fanned her flushed face with her thin white clutch for a few moments before plunking it down on the tabletop.
“Do you need to lie down?” Callie asked her daughter-in-law worriedly, one hand resting on Joslyn’s shoulder. Madison and Shea, meanwhile, were plundering the cookie jar.
“No,” Joslyn told her. “I’m fine. Really.”
Opal tied on an apron and instructed firmly, “Now don’t you girls stuff yourselves on those cookies with me fixing to put a meal on the table in a little while.”
A swift tenderness came over Kendra as she took it all in—including Opal’s bluster.

Follow along with the rest of the blog tour and enter another contest at Book Trib:


BookTrib and the publisher have generously provided a copy of "Big Sky Mountain" for a lucky follower of my blog!
All you have to do is follow my blog publicly and fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Please follow publicly or I can't tell that you are following :)
  • US and Canada only
  • Must be a follower to enter
  • Books will be mailed out by the publisher/publicist
  • Must be 18 or over 
  • Ends Fri Aug 31
Thanks to everyone for entering! Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Great excerpt! I'm adding this to my tbr list. :)

  2. This series is already on my TBR list! It sounds fantastic. Gotta love them country boys!

  3. Nice excerpt! Sounds good. :)

  4. Sounds like a great read!

  5. Sounds great. I love her books. Thanks for the giveaway.

  6. I would love to read this book!

  7. Haven't read anything by this author in a while so I would love to win this.

  8. This sounds like a good read. I love cowboys.

  9. We just got back from a vacation in Montana. I loved it out there. This would be interesting to read a book set in Montana.

  10. I'm reading Big Sky Country right now! i would love to win a copy of Big Sky Mountain.
    mamabunny13 at gmail dot com


Thanks so much for your lovely comments!