E-book deals from Avon Romance!

Hi, everyone! I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season! 

In case you need some time to relax from all of the festivities, Avon has a lot of great deals on e-books, priced $2.99 and under! Check out this page for all of the sale titles:  

I have my eye on a few titles myself, here are just a few that may find their way to my e-reader!

"The Cowboy and the Angel" by T.J. Kline only .99 cents!

"Someone to Watch Over Me" by Lisa Kleypas $1.99

"Make it Right" by Megan Erickson only .99 cents!

"Covering Kendall" by Julie Brannagh only .99 cents! (The entire Love and Football series is on sale!)

Check out the rest of the titles on sale here. There's something for every romance fan!


  1. I am going to have to look up a few of those titles. Unforutnately, Covering Kendall was not for me, I was really disappointed it that one. Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Heidi, oh darn! I haven't read any of the books in that series, but they all sound so fun! Sorry it didn't work out for you, hopefully one of the others will!

  3. Ooooo I hope somebody loads these on my iPad for Christmas! LOL! Thank you for sharing these deals.

    Merry Christmas!


  4. Not a huge ebook fan myself but MAKE IT RIGHT sure looks cute! Thanks for the heads up!

  5. I really liked Make It Count - Erickson's first book from that series. Nice guy alert lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth


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