by Julie Anne Long
Publisher: Avon
Release Date: March 31, 2015
Source: e-arc sent by publisher

Summary from
Lord Philippe Lavay once took to the high seas armed with charm as lethal as his sword and a stone-cold conviction: he'll restore his family's fortune and honor, no matter the cost. Victory is at last within reach--when a brutal attack snatches it from his grasp and lands him in Pennyroyal Green.
An afternoon of bliss brings a cascade of consequences for Elise Fountain. Shunned by her family and ousted from a job she loves, survival means a plummet down the social ladder to a position no woman has yet been able to keep: housekeeper to a frighteningly formidable prince.
The bold and gentle Elise sees past his battered body into Philippe's barricaded heart...and her innate sensuality ignites his blood. Now a man who thought he could never love and a woman who thought she would never again trust must fight an incendiary passion that could be the ruin of them both.
My thoughts: I haven't read this one yet, but I can't wait! Whenever I see the words "took to the high seas", I'm pretty much ready to buy the book! I can't resist anything even remotely swashbuckling. I'm also intrigued by the heroine's position as a housekeeper. We usually only get to see the upper class in historicals, so it will be different to read about the servants' point of view. Looks like another can't miss book by one of my favorite authors!
Disclosure: I received an e-copy of this book from the publisher
oh this one was so good!! I just adored it. She has done so well with this series.
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