What are You Reading on Mondays (6)

What are You Reading on Mondays is a weekly event originally hosted at J. Kaye's Book Blog. The event is now hosted by Sheila at One Person's Journey Through Books. It's a great way to show everyone what you are reading this week, and maybe what you just finished or are planning to read, too!

Books I finished reading last week:

"Sold to a Laird" by Karen Ranney
Sooo good! My review is coming soon!

"A Black Tie Affair" by Sherrill Bodine
my review

Currently Reading:

"A Christmas Ball" by Jennifer Ashley, Emily Bryan, and Alissa Johnson
I know, it's February but I'm still reading Christmas books!!

What are you reading this week??


  1. Glad one of them was a really good read for you. I'm a mood reader so there's no such thing as reading out out season. Enjoy.

  2. I have A Christmas Ball to read too, just not enough hours in the day LOL. I haven't read anything by Karen Ranney, will have to check out her work. Have a great week :-)

  3. Sold to a Laird looks intriguing and sounds as if you enjoyed it.

    Have a great reading week!

  4. Your reading christmas books, fun! :)
    Are you still in the christmas mood?

    Have fun reading!!

  5. Can't wait to see your review for Sold to a Laird! (as for the Christmas book, better late than never!)


  6. A Christmas Ball has a fantastic cover! Have a wonderful week of good reads!

  7. "Sold to a Laird" by Karen Ranney looks good! I'll have to check it out.

  8. I want the dress on the cover of A Black Tie Affair!

    Enjoy your books this week!

  9. I read A Christmas Ball. I can't remember much about it though - it seems like I've read a ton of books since then, and I didn't "love" many of my Christmas reads ~ mostly because I like to have more time to fall in love with the characters and they were all multi-story books.

    I'm a sucker for a good strong Scottish hero. I'll be interested to see your review.

  10. I really want to read The Black Tie Affair.. such a beautiful cover! And I love your blog, it's gorgeous!


Thanks so much for your lovely comments!