In My Mailbox (15)

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren, and is a way for everyone to show off their new books for the week, including those bought, swapped, won, or received for review.

Contest Wins:

"A Lady Like Sarah " by Margaret Brownley

I won this in a contest from Roseanna at Writing Roseanna!! The book was sent from the author and was even autographed! Thanks, Roseanna and Margaret!

"Theodosia and the Eyes of Horus " by R.L. LaFevers

I won this in a contest from Miss Eliza at Strange and Random Happenstance, along with a gorgeous carnelian necklace!! The book is the ARC of the third installment of the Theodosia Throckmorton series. Thanks, Miss Eliza!

Received for review:

"Fireworks Over Toccoa" by Jeffrey Stepakoff
(review coming asap!)

This is a great romance set in the 1940's and was sent to me for review by Sarah at St. Martin's Press. Thanks, Sarah!

"Never Say Never" by Lisa Wingate

This story looks so good and it's been getting great reviews! I received this book for review from Bethany House publishers. Thanks!

What did you receive in your mailbox this week??


  1. Fireworks Over Toccoa has such a cute cover! It looks romantic!

    Hope you enjoy them all! :D

  2. I am reading Fireworks over toccoa..great bunch

  3. Ooh ... I want to read Fireworks Over Toccoa. Have a great week!

  4. i like how the theodosia cover looks. so whimsical. is it a good series?

  5. ooo... I got Never say Never for review also and I agree that it sounds good. I've seen good reviews for it so far. I can't wait to see what you think!

  6. All 4 look fantastic!

  7. Looks to be an entertaining read. I hope that you will enjoy your books. Here's mine.

  8. Great books! A Lady & Fireworks look especially good to me. Thanks for sharing. :o)

  9. Setelah sayah membaca semua isi disini,sungguh sangat louarbiasa ini pengalaman baru dan banyk sekali hal-hal yang sayah dapatkan setelah membacanya
    obat penghilang benjolan di bawah dagu tradisional


Thanks so much for your lovely comments!