Book Blog Follow and Book Blogger Hop Dec 10

Happy Friday, Everyone!!

It's time for Book Blog Follow Friday hosted by and The Book Blogger Hop hosted by Crazy for Books!

My answer to this week's question: Undernoticed author: I can't help but say Julie Berry, author of The Amaranth Enchantment and Secondhand Charm.

My answer: I like the reviews and giveaways the best, and also Waiting on Wednesday posts and In my Mailbox so I can see some exciting upcoming releases!

If you're visiting for the first time, I'd love to hear from you, so please leave a comment and say hi!! :)


  1. Hey Carrie!

    Don't you just love this week's question? I'm learning about so many new authors. Thanks for add Berry. Hadn't head of her.

    Happy FF

  2. Hopping through. I liked Secondhand Charm too!
    My Hop

  3. Hello! Happy Friday! Just hopping on through. Have a great weekend :)

  4. Happy Friday, Carrie! I hope you have a great weekend :)

  5. Happy Hopping Friday! I'm an old follower hopping through to say hi! Drop by and say hi at

  6. Just coming on over to say thanks for visiting my little corner of OZ yesterday. I'll be back to visit again.

  7. I'm a huge fan of the meme WoW. I find so many new books and authors to add to my reading list! I'm already a follower. My hop is at Coffee Table Press

  8. Just stopping by for the hop!!! I think reviews are the core of book blogging!!! Have a great weekend!

    Feel free to check out mine at Addicted To Romance

    Happy Holidays!

  9. Darling, I just love reading about books I never heard of before and finding great reviews on books that I've been wanting to read. Plus making new friends is always a plus :)

    I think the most undervalued authors are the Indie Authors. Noah my lovely Igor created a wonderful badge for me, us!!

    Pleasant hopping to you,
    Mad Scientist

  10. I haven't heard of Julie Berry, but we have the same first name, so she can't be bad!

    I'm a new GFC follower. Check out my Friday Follow under-noticed author picks! :)

  11. I have read a book by C.Lynn Barton who is a great author! Come check out my blog and follow me I am a follower Outhouse Reviews

  12. Hello, stopped by from the blog hop.

  13. I love to enter the giveaways. It's always exciting to be exposed to new books with the possibility of getting to read them.

  14. I need to read Secondhand Charm. It sounds so good.

    Just hopping by to say HI! I'm an old follower. :) Have a great weekend!

  15. I love Madeleine Brent! She's a romantic suspense author from the 80s.

    Just blog hopping by! Nice to meet you. :-)

  16. I love waiting on wednesdays - I always get such great recommendations to add to my TBR. ;)

    Cool header! :)

  17. Love your new layout and header! I definitely want to check out Berry's books. Have a great weekend, Carrie!! :)

  18. I haven't heard of Julie Berry. I'll have to look into her books.

  19. Just thought i would stop by and say hi!! :D

  20. Mot part of the blog hop but thought I'd say hi and that I love YA and Romance. :)


Thanks so much for your lovely comments!