In My Mailbox (48)

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren, and is a way for everyone to show their new books for the week, including those bought, swapped, won, or received for review.

for review:
"Falling Under" by Gwen Hayes

"Vixen" by Jillian Larkin
Wow, I'm so excited to read this one!! I love reading about the 1920's! :)

"The Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer" as told by Lucy Weston

What did you receive in your mailbox this week??


  1. Nice books this week! Will be curious to see what you think of The Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer. I liked it, but have seen mixed reviews. Happy reading!

  2. Ohhh! Both Falling Under and Vixen--can't wait to read your reviews! Enjoy your books!

  3. I got an ARC of Falling Under this week and can't wait to read it. Vixen is on my wishlist! Enjoy! :D


  4. OMG jealous of all your books this week, Carrie! I'm dying to read Vixen :D

    I hope you enjoy them all!

  5. Oh, I want all three of these books. They look amazing! Enjoy and Happy reading!

  6. Hey cool books, and I love the new look!!

  7. They all look incredible, especially that last one ;)

    Hope you enjoy them all, Carrie! =)

  8. I am green over Vixen!

    Happy reading!

    If you want to know what I got in my mailbox this week, check out my blog here-
    Merry Christmas!
    Gabrielle Carolina

  9. Hey you have been making some changes on the blog .:) Now when did this suddenly happen

  10. All three looks amazing! Especially the Elizabeth Tudor one. I hope you enjoy 'em:D

  11. I hope you enjoy the books you got. Happy Reading. Check out what I got In My Mailbox.

  12. You got Falling Under and Vixen! Cool! I think I'm counting down the hours till I can get my own copy of Vixen on Tuesday. Here's my IMM.

  13. Nice books! Both are on my wishlist, happy reading!

  14. Great books! I really want to read Falling Under. Happy reading :)
    Check out what's In My Mailbox

    Mia @GrippedintoBooks

  15. Falling Under looks amazing! I hope the whole thing is as good as the first chapter! :) I'll be reading Vixen this week, I think---hope we both enjoy it! :)

  16. Great books this week. Drop by Clandestine Sanctuary to find out what I got this week.

  17. Nice new look! Very moderne and WOW! Bravo, out with the old and in with the new...

    Like it very much :)

    Envy you for the Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor... kiss it hello for me please :)

  18. Very jealous over Vixen! I love reading about the 1920's- why are they so underrepresented?!

  19. Ooohh, really looking forward to your review of Falling Under. Great books!

  20. Oooh! Luv the new look Carrie! As for the books, I luv the cover on the second one, and the last one looks *really* interesting! XD

  21. Vixen & Falling Under look fabulous :) I hope you enjoy them all XD

  22. I love the covers! I got one book that I won on Goodreads. :o)

  23. I LOVE that last book cover!!!

  24. I can't wait to read Falling Under. The other books look good too.

  25. Oooh I like the look of the Elizabeth Tudor book.

  26. I won falling under from Goodreads! Yay me! I hope you like it!

    Oh and PS Plain Kate is actually a very well, written and interesting book and I did enjoy reading it! It is a sad book in some ways but Kate is a very strong character :D

  27. I grabbed a button. :)
    P.S. I have Vixen as well. I think I'll read it once I finish Cryer's Cross.


Thanks so much for your lovely comments!