Book Blog Follow and Book Blogger Hop Jan 28

Happy Friday, Everyone!!

It's time for Book Blog Follow Friday hosted by and The Book Blogger Hop hosted by Crazy for Books!

My answer: English class was my fave, aka reading and writing of course :)

My answer: "Desires of the Dead" by Kimberly Derting b/c I can't wait for more Jay!!
Don't forget to enter the two contests I have posted right now:

Win "Sins of a Highland Devil" Ends 1/28

Win "How to Marry a Duke" Ends 2/4

If you're visiting for the first time, I'd love to hear from you, so please leave a comment and say hi!! :)


  1. Ditto on the English answer!

    Thanks for stopping by and following. I've returned the favor!

    Stephanie @ Poetry to Prose

  2. I wish my teacher focused more on the literature part of english!

    I'm a New Follower!

  3. Just stopping by to say hi and thanks for following! =] I'm also following you.

    That's What Liz Read

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I'm following you back! I love the background of your blog here. It's beautiful. :)

  5. my favorite subject was English. Have a great week-end hop by and say hi Outhouse Reviews

  6. Stopping by to say hi and happy weekend! My fave subject was history.

    My FF and Blog hops

  7. Stopping by to say hi! Have a great weekend :)

  8. My favourite subject was French for sure!

    Happy Friday, Carrie!

  9. Thank you so much for the follow, sweetheart! I followed you back :) Looking forward to getting to know you better!

  10. Thanks for stopping by the blog! Happy Friday, Carrie!


  11. Hopping by to say hi! I'm looking forward to Desires of the Dead, too! Hope you have a great weekend :)

  12. Just stopping by through the hop! I'm gonna check out your giveaways, too!

  13. Oh, love the title of your waiting on book!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  14. So I'm almost done with Beverley's "TASTE OF DESIRE" (we hosted the giveaway before I even read it) and I gotta tell ya, I'm loving it :)

    I can't wait for you to get your copy from her so we can chat about! Thomas, Amelia and Alex (Thomas' BFF) are cracking me up!


  15. Oh, I forgot Desires of the Dead! Thst one's going to so good. :-)

  16. Just stopping by to share some Friday blog love! Hope you have a great weekend! Come and link your Favourite Author reviews on this week's Read My Review

  17. Just stopping by again this week to wish you a happy weekend! And my getting an English degree in college gave me a reasonable excuse to read all the time and not get any grief about it.

  18. Thanks for stopping by and the follow! I'm happily returning the follow :)

    Kat @ A Journey in Reading

  19. Hey! I'm a new follower! Check me out at
    I have to agree with Desires of the Dead!!! I really can't wait to read that.

  20. Hi! I am an old follower, thanks for stopping by the blog and following me.

    I hope you have a great weekend!

  21. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm a new stalker :)

    YES! Desires of the Dead! I can't wait for it's release. I loved The Body Finder. And I love Jay <3

  22. Just hopping by! Desires of the Dead will be here soon - thank goodness. I am a new follower.

    Reading Lark's Hop Post

  23. Thanks for stopping by and following. :)
    I see alot of people chose english or History.

    Have a great weekend!

  24. I put together a list of books I'm looking forward to about a week ago.

    2011 is going to be a great year for books.

    So many people are saying English was their favorite subject... well, ask some voracious readers what they liked, and what do you expect?
    My favorite subject was Art, although I haven't done any art in such a long time. I'm very right-brained.

  25. Hey you, just stopping by on the hop and follow. I too loved English. History is sexy!!
    Happy Reading!!!
    See ya!
    Readaholics Anonymous

  26. New follower here! Thanks for popping by my blog on Friday. I am looking forward to your reviews!

  27. Hi Carrie, following you back! :) I loved The Body Finder-- it's a great book. Luckily we don't have long to wait for Desires of the Dead.

  28. Hey there!

    Happy Blog Hop!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Great review on How to Marry A Duke! I entered the contest while I was here! :-D I'm so excited to read that book!

    Have a great weekend!

    Lisa @ Once Upon A Chapter

  29. Hi, Carrie! Thank you for stopping by my blog! Followed you back! have a great weekend! :)


Thanks so much for your lovely comments!